Make a Good First Impression
In many cases the appeal of your business sign is what brings a customer in through your doors, and obviously, it is always the first thing that they see. You may be thinking that it’s your services that they’re looking for that brings them in, however, what distinguishes you from your competitors that offer the same things? Your sign. Professionally it is always important to make a good first impression, and that stands for your business as well.
Have you ever seen a handwritten sign in a store window? I hope not, because it communicates disorganization, lack of planning and unprofessionalism. Sure, it also communicates that “you have a sale going on”… but the unintended messages often stick with the person longer than the primary message.Your business sign is the first impression you give your customers, and it will be the basis of their opinion of your business. An effective business neon sign will capture their attention, provide information and show that you are professional and trustworthy. In a tough economy, where advertising budgets are cut to the bone, that first impression is more important than ever.
The Small Business Association has observed that business signs are the most cost-effective – highest value – form of advertisement for a small business. While spending less money on signs than on TV, newspaper or magazine ads, signs will have a more direct impact on increased sales and awareness. Studies have shown that placing just one sign outside of your business can increase sales by 30%! Those are staggering numbers that show just how important business signs can be.Providing an illuminated sign, that is professionally designed and will be viewed hundreds, or thousands of times per day may be the most important advertising dollars spent.